Don’t know, don’t care.

Position: 23degrees 59minutes North, 109degrees 46 minutes West

Yup, that’s about where I am right now.  I realized today, I don’t really know what day OR date it is.  NICE!

We left Frailes (reluctantly) at 0630 this morning.  I think we both would have gladly stayed there another couple of days, but despite not knowing what day it is, we do know we have a schedule to be back by and it doesn’t allow too much lingering if we’re going to have time to get to La Paz.  Most of the other boats that were with us stayed in the shelter of Frailes, waiting out the northerly.  We unfortunately had to go and pound through it to get to Los Muertos.  Basically 10 hours of bashing into 15-25 knot winds on the nose, with three to four foot chop. We motored the whole way.  Not fun, but got us there/here.  We averaged about four knots, which basically means if you were able to fast jog the forty miles, you might have got here before us.

On this leg we were able to “touch” 5 knots, but then would hit a series of waves that would slam the boat and slow us to 3 knots (sometimes a little less).  Charisma would dive into the wave, bury her bow and shake the water loose as she threw her head to the sky like a wild horse kicking and jumping across the plain.  As she did this, she’d throw a couple dozen gallons of water that she’d scoop up into the air and down the deck.  The result would be two sailors constantly ducking underneath the dodger (oh, that’s why they call it that!) and six inches of water in the scuppers trying to drain over the side.  A taste of things to come when we BASH back up the coast of Baja and California.  Except the wind and water here are warm.

Some dolphins joined up with us for a while, but we were going to slow for them and we didn’t have the “dolphin whisperer” (Ann Adams), so they didn’t hang too long.  About five minutes and some jumping next to the boat.  Geoff and I are getting pretty blasé as neither of us even made a move for our cameras.  “Oh, there are some dolphins, yawn”.

No fishing today.  We were both tired and I think we’re secretly tired of fresh fish!  Had some smoked oysters with our Charisma at sunset and I made Sardine Pasta.  I’m sure the bloodlust will hit again as we leave here for La Paz.  Fresh fish is such a luxury, who could really tire of it?

A minor crises; we’re out of wine (OK major crises, but I don’t want to make too big a deal out of this).  We’ll go ashore tomorrow and see whether we can find some wine and by then we’ll be out of ice and probably close to out of beer too.

Oh.  My.  God.   We’re still at least three days out of La Paz.  What will we do???

Got in here a little before sunset (that’s two for two now.  This time we even saw the sunset after anchoring) so we haven’t explored the area yet.  From our anchorage about 100 yards off the beach, there’s not much to see. But we know there’s a Giggling Marlin (don’t ask) at the end of the cove.  Might have to check in there tomorrow.

That’s it for today.  It’s 2030 and I’m thinking some stargazing and bed are on the busy agenda for the next hour or two.


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